Again I go with the news is good news! It's been awhile since I've logged on, but my family has been VERY busy!
FWCHS life has become routine for my son at this point. He's still in the middle of Cross Country season and doing well. His coach is pushing for the best out of the runners and they are all performing well at meets. State is November 6th in Nashville - hope some from the Wildcat team make it there! One of the Cross Country parents has been working hard redoing the trophy cases in the track house and I think that's great - sometimes it takes every one's involvement to make a school a better place.
The second edition of the FWCHS newsletter was distributed earlier this week. I'm glad I'm involved with the PTO in this way - it has really helped me to meet other parents, students and teachers and I feel I am doing my part to contribute to the betterment of the school. There was so much news and input for this edition that it was 4 pages! The newsletter can be found on the PTO section of the school website: .
That's about it for now. My son still likes school (even though his classes are getting tougher). He told me the other night, "Mom, I'm tired. I'm also tired of being tired." I just chuckled and said, "Get used to it because after high school is college and then real life. You will be tired for a long time!". Hey - that's the reason I'm not blogging everyday too! :)