Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's almost the end of the year - who deleted all my blogs??? :)

It's almost the end of the year - who deleted all my blogs???

Okay, okay, I'm fibbing!  I haven't written since what - December?  Good lord!  I've had a few requests for links to the blog as people are considering where to place their children next year for high school.  Let me some up the 2010-2011 school year at FWCHS by saying this...

I asked my son the other night if he still wants to go to Fayette Ware Comprehensive High School next school year.  He said, "Yes!".  If that isn't testament to a great 9th grade year, I don't know what is!  He has learned a lot this year, participated in two sports, joined a couple clubs and made a bunch of new friends.  EVERYONE that I have dealt with at the school - including students - have been courteous, polite, helpful and friendly.  I'm not just trying to blow smoke here - this has really been my experience. 

For more info, please check out the school's website: or please feel free to call me at 901-335-8578 (even if you don't know me) or comment here to ask any specific questions, etc.  I would be happy to discuss with you as you make this important decision in your son/daughter's life. 

By the way...the FWCHS PTO now has a Facebook page:!/pages/PTO-Fayette-Ware-Comprehensive-High-School/128845347181564 .  Look there for updates or other friendly faces you might know. 

I suggest that, besides reading this or other blogs/online sources, you go check out FWCHS yourself with your son or daughter.  Make an appointment or just stop in and speak with Mr. Hicks, look around the school, talk to some of the teachers and students.  You just might find a high school home for your son or daughter there (as I have).  :) 

I'll continue to TRY to write, but my garden is calling and summer break will be here before you know it....GOOD LUCK with your future high schooler no matter where they decide to attend school!  Remember that private schools are great and everyone has a right to choose, but we have a diamond in the rough right here in the Fayette County public school system.  It's a little gem I like to call FWCHS :). 

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