Day 6...we're settling in...
So, not much to report (which is good, isn't it???) from Day 6. My son 1) still likes school 2) is depressed he is going to have to buckle down and study hard this year! 3) is still sore from Cross Country practice 4) wouldn't want to be anywhere else (school) right now. He's content, I'm pleased and I'm wondering if you guys get the I really need to write each day for the rest of the year??? LOL I will because I think it's important and it's also giving me more of a reason to discuss school with my son each night. He's a teenage boy and I'm just a mom - not usually much of a reason to have conversation, right? This blog forces me to be inquisitive and talk with him about his experiences at school each night.
Now, I don't want anyone to get the impression through this blog that I'm "knocking" FA. I'm not. My older son enjoyed his time at FA and we were usually happy with the school, etc. Some of the staff and teachers there were first rate and my son loved them. I think with their ongoing updates to the campus they will have even better facilities in years to come and more room to accommodate sporting events, etc. It is any one's right to send their child(ren) to the school of their choosing. We originally sent our older son there because we thought FA would better prepare him for college. We should have looked harder into FWCHS first though (in hindsight). I'm not sure the college prep advantage is that far off at both schools. It is my firm belief that good students will perform well where ever they go to school. A lot has to do with the student's drive, parental support, etc. My kids have always tested high within Fayette County public schools (TCAP, etc.). I know they were on the level of private school education because of their entrance testing at FA (we had our FWCHS son tested for FA when we hadn't yet decided on where to send him for high school). He tested high - my first son did the same when he was applying to FA.
I can tell you that FWCHS has a lot lower average on the standard college test (ACT) than FA. This is a statistic. However...FWCHS is a lot larger in students and has to include students who may not be focusing on college/learning in their averages. In listening to the new FCS Superintendent, Dr. Gray on his TV interview from last week ( ) , I heard him say that they have a goal to raise the FWCHS ACT test score average 2 points over the next couple of years. That is actually a HUGE deal. With a school as big as FWCHS, to raise the school average 2 points would be a great accomplishment! He said they have a plan in place and he has been working with Mr. Hicks (principal) for more support in implementing the plan and providing additional services to help students raise their scores.
FWCHS is having their open house on Thursday, Sept. 9th at 6pm. I am looking forward to meeting all my son's teachers! I guess my son is through his first week at FWCHS (through the first 5 days)...he hasn't been picked on, he hasn't been in a fight, his teachers are demanding excellence, he hasn't been offered drugs, he hasn't seen/heard of/been asked to join a gang, and he's already participating in extra-curricular activities. Hmmmm this sounds amazingly close to my older son's first week at FA. :)
I'm proud of you, Beth!