Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Snack Crackers, Wally and Back Pack Searches....

Well, I've stopped numbering my blogs.  I have been getting a neck ache swinging around to count the days on my calendar to see what we are up to.  It's been a few weeks since school started now, so I figure that's good enough! 

I dropped my son off this morning and was directed by a worker at the entrance of the school to drive around to the back because they were doing a "search" today.  A "search" is a random backpack/purse, etc. search of the students to check for cell phones, weapons, etc.  I suppose that a smart child might chuck any contraband on his/her way to the back of the school, but maybe not.  My son didn't have a chance - he was in the car with me!  After asking him if he had removed the grenade from his saxophone case (joking of course!) I drove him to the back.  He went in and I could see in the gym that they had a station of sorts to check kids as they entered.  I saw Mr. Hicks walking up the hill chatting with a few students after I dropped my son and pulled up to ask "why".  He said that they do 9-10 random searches a year.  It's routine.  They look and they use a wand to detect metal (according to a boy who caught a ride with us to the back of the school). 

Although I don't like treating kids (or anyone) as if they might have something illegal/bad/against-the-rules on them, I understand it.  This is 2010.  We all submit to searches in places that are normally safe JUST IN CASE.  Take, for instance, Costco.  Everytime I leave that place my cart is checked to make sure I don't have any extra packs of 10,000 snack crackers.  I am always a bit offended that I spend money to get treated like a shoplifter, but for some reason (samples, er, did I say that?) I keep going back.

Another example....airports.  After 9/11 we have all had to endure longer lines and invasive searches of our possessions and sometimes bodies in order that all will be well and as it should be.  I think having searches in school keeps the kids who may try to pull something on their toes and keeps everyone safer.  None of the kids seemed that put out about the search - only a little irritated that they had (some of them) to walk around to the back of the school.   I know Fayette Academy had the right to search and drug test and at some points did just that (as my son had to subject to random testing while there).  I think nationwide, with school shootings and drugs, etc., schools have faced the reality that sometimes kids will try to pull something and have reacted by instituting searches, etc.  Don't you just wish we could all go back to the Leave It To Beaver Days (granted I was NEVER alive in those days, however the reruns on TV looked pretty nice)!

Okay - check out Wally's hair...maybe we are fine in 2010 :).

So, still waiting on some additonal verified facts for my blog on the demographics and statistics involved with Fayette County high schools.  Stay tuned!


  1. My son witnessed what he called a "massive" fight in the gym yesterday around 7:20am. I wonder if that was before or after the search. BTW, my son was not searched yesterday. He walked right through the front door. Hmmmmm. Are we at the same school?

  2. Hello commenter...I did find out post-post that there was a fight at school's been such a busy week for me that I haven't been able to post more info, but basically...the kids involved were sent to the Alternative School. I need to ask Mr. Hicks if they were already planning a search or if it happened as a result. He told me that morning that they do it several times throughout the year, so I'm not sure if it was coincidence or because of the fight. My son didn't end up being searched either (I asked him later that night), so I think that they do it randomly - as in not 100% of the kids that walk in, just some. I still think it's a good idea...

    I don't know that the fight was "massive", as I heard from another parent that there were 8 kids involved. I know one of them. He is a good kid and I'm not sure how he wound up involved, but I'm praying for his mom :).

    I asked my son if he is scared, etc. because there was a fight. Nope. It was also broken up quickly (from the report I got) and, like I said, the kids involved are no longer there (at last report). When I got to school that morning there were no police officers there, etc., so I'm assuming it was handled by security at the school.

    Kids are people too. People can be idiots and they sometime take that to a physical level. :) I'm giving FWCHS the benefit of the doubt here. The same parent that told me of the fight also told me that this is way more fighting than has been in recent history. Maybe the heat??? If I find out anything else I will post. Thanks! Beth :)

  3. Update on this...spoke to Mr. Hicks. The search that day was set to take place and because of the incident was cut short and not everyone was searched as per normally would happen.

    Re: fight...the kids were all sent to Alternative School for an extended amount of time.

    Again, so not worth it to fight for any reason! I have been drilling that into my son's head non-stop. Still busy - just wanted to update since I spoke to Mr. Hicks!
